Friday, October 22, 2004

Election eve attack by Al Pieda

Gawd -- I wish I had thought of this title -- but I didn't. Meet Mr. Internet Anon

Ann Coulter (R-IAmActuallyAMan) took two pies to the shoulder last night by some U of Arizona students. Apparently Creme Custard -- how appropriate.

It was not immediately reported whether or not she was able to lick the mess off her shoulder by herself or not.

See some Coulterisms here.

She of course, is dumber than a garbage truck on the freeway at 5 PM, dumber in fact, than the Creme Custard pies that did her in, and she has no class. But you knew that didn't you? For a guy with real class I think of the Merry Prankster, Dick Tuck, who was interviewed today on Morning Edition on occasion of his 80th birthday.

The bad news for Bush is that he is working for Kerry. The bad news for Kerry is he is still wearing his trademarked, sports coat, bermuda shorts, black knee-length nylon socks, bow tie and yellow tinted glasses.


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