Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Rick Santorum, Fetus Fondler

There is something icky about Ricky. (OK, I stole that, but it's too good not to steal.)

If you don't think this is weird enough, you should try to get inside the mind of Rick Santorum (R-DeadMeatIncumbant). This will freak you out.

In his Senate office, on a shelf next to an autographed baseball, Sen. Rick Santorum keeps a framed photo of his son Gabriel Michael, the fourth of his seven children. Named for two archangels, Gabriel Michael was born prematurely, at 20 weeks, on Oct. 11, 1996, and lived two hours outside the womb.

Upon their son's death, Rick and Karen Santorum opted not to bring his body to a funeral home. Instead, they bundled him in a blanket and drove him to Karen's parents' home in Pittsburgh. There, they spent several hours kissing and cuddling Gabriel with his three siblings, ages 6, 4 and 1 1/2. They took photos, sang lullabies in his ear and held a private Mass.

Man, this guy just gives me the shivers.


Blogger Unknown said...

When a couple has a loss as traumatic as a death of a child, they often do unique things to help their grief. Catholic beliefs about death of children and baptism are a very important to their faith. It may creep you out, but these sorts of actions are not really that unusually for this situation.

What I find interesting is that people of a more liberal persuasion are suppose to be more accepting of others. Yet here you are poking fun a person during their time of mourning. Does the accepting of others only hold true if they are not a hated conservative?

1:56 PM, April 06, 2006  
Blogger John Stone said...

I have a lot of Catholic friends and I can't think of a single one who is into necrophilia. OK -- maybe the guy in the Geology Department...

This fetus was about the size of your palm ... singing lullabys to it? Yucky ... just plain yucky ... no matter what religion.

That's not showing respect for your dead fetus ... that's some sort of weird behavior that is a part of the "Cult of the Fetus" of which he is a part.

I am not the least bit accepting of others, particularly when those others try to cram their cults down my unwilling throat using the law of the land.

And the list I people I dispise seems to grow every day as the riech-wing sinks lower in the west.

2:49 PM, April 06, 2006  
Blogger admin said...

First of all, necrophilia is having sex with a dead person. According to your story, that did not happen. Did you know that many people take photos at funerals. Now, not my cup of tea, mind you, but that is common. I've see people who have hired professional photographers or videographers to capture a funeral (much like a wedding.)

That is kin to those whose child dies, and they keep the child's room untouched for years and years. Would I do that? No. But some do.

I really don't see how the actions of that Senator is in any way a cramming of anything down your throat. Really, why do you care if he immediately buried the child or took it home to mourn for a time. How does that affect you at all?

As for Eden's article, it is absurd. But he acknowledges that absurdity at the end of the article. The news-leader website cut half his article off. If you go to "printer-friendly view" then you get the whole thing. In fact I think he used the word "absurd". He was trying to make a point.

And he did it without calling pro-choice persons names like: "God-hating", "baby-killing", or any of the other nasty names that conservatives love to use against us more liberal folks. Well, I don't know you. I shouldn't call you liberal. Sorry about that.

I appreciate your thoughts. These are mine. And so the world continues to turn.

8:05 PM, April 06, 2006  
Blogger John Stone said...

Oh, I don't mind being called a lib'rul. In fact, I sometime get a kick out of pinko-commie-liberal-fag-athiest. And hell, I disagree with my aged mother on occasion. That's why there are comments on blogs.

A nit-point, I think necrophilia casts a wider net than a sexual one. The roots of the word imply such ... Little made the point that grief can cause wierd behavior, such as Santorum exhibited. But his actions imply more than that ... how else do you explain the photo of the dead fetus on his office wall? I loved my grandfather. But photos of him that I love most are when he was alive.

Santorum in fact, works tirelessly to get his cult beliefs into public law. If it is his choice - or more properly his wife's choice - to carry a fetus, no matter what, I wouldn't fuss with him. But when he tries to legislate, as he has done many times what I -or my wife/daughter/girlfriend/family pet - should do then I can properly accuse him of using a wedge issue for personal political gain. The conservatives are very good at finding wedge issues.

Or even better, his stance as a "victim". I think it was DocLarry that came up with the observation that that's a new tactic with the religious right. Vince Jericho as victim; Xtians as victims; Tom Delay as victim; and on and on.

8:32 PM, April 06, 2006  

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